Daytime Emmys! Why It Means So Much!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I am absolutely appalled by the was the Daytime Emmys have been treated. It's almost like they aren't that important in the long run. But they are. If not to the actors them, but to the fans. A whole night to honor our favorites in the work they do on a daily basis. We as fan spent more time and share more with these fictions character and couples then we do with friends or family sometimes. We grow to love them and get crushed when our favorite break up or a favorite gets killed off. And I know its worth the heart ache of watching you favorite couple fight and break up, only to find their way back. Or to watch your favorite character get stomped on every day, only to rise up again and prove they are stronger then one thinks.

Daytime TV isn't about the crazy plot lines or the he said she said, it's about the being able to connect to the characters, to the storylines. To enjoy something so forbidden when you can't do it yourself. To feel the rush of an affair, that you know you would never do yourself. It's a way to step outside of your comfort zone and enjoy something no thinking, no one to tell you you can't. Just to do something out of the ordinary and not have to worry about what other people think. A way to send messages to parents and teens and people. Show them right and wrong. Teach them when things look a certain way that there isn't just one way out. That there is hope and you can find a way to prevail. And all while they entertain the viewers.

And to me it seems as if the daytime Emmy's go. The next thing that will go will be the soaps. I mean we've already lost two the matter of the year (Even though the second doesn't go off the air till September), but if it seems if we can't have one night, one night to celebrate and honor the hard working actors and actresses, not to mention the people behind the scenes. Then it's almost saying like no one really cares about these shows, why even bother? I mean Primetime Emmys they will go all out for all the Primetime shows. Movies, They'll go all out for those two. Not to mention the other award shows, like Teen Choice awards, Peoples Choice Awards, MTV Music and Movies awards. All those other awards shows, that honor Music, Movies and TV shows. They go all out for these things. But Daytime Emmys? They wren't even sure a station was going to even air them.

And I'm sure if a station didn't pick it up, they'd still have the Emmys, but were is the excitement in that? You wait till the posted on a website, or the actors tweets about it.. or even wait till they are posted in the Soap magazine a week after the fact. To me it doesn't seem like it has the same thrill, as if you were watching it live. Getting to see your favorite star win that Emmy. Plus unless your there yourself you miss out on the speeches, the moments that make you go WTF? And the moments that make you remember why you watch in the first place. It's the moment you remember the most, that will be taken away from the fans.

This year? Now after the great debate of who would air the Emmys, we have will there be a Red Carpet show? And very sad to know the only Red Carpet show this year will be brought to you by the interview. If their was Primetime or a Movie awards ceremony you could bet there would be a Red Carpet show on the TV before hand. Is it really that hard to air a Red Carpet show before the Emmys? Show the Stars as the are on their way to enter the place of the awards. And having people talking about the Emmys and who the actors think will take home the Emmy? And not to mention when you actually get to see the stars and what the are wearing. Because unless they are presenting, hosting or winning you don't get to see them much at all. Let along what they are wearing. And all the stars dressed up and part of the Emmy night.

It just doesn't seem right that the Daytime Emmys are being treated so poorly. These actors work hard to put on a show for five days out of the week. And week Just about ever week day, but yet one night that is all about them, seems to be worked out as if it's nothing that important. It's important to the actors and people behind the scenes... and to the fans.


More Power To Him???

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lulu I love you I do, but did you really tell Olivia that it's none of your business and if it gets on Sonny's nerves more power to him? Has your hate for Sonny really clouded your judgment that much? I mean back when your found out Dante was a cop you tried to WARN Johnny to be careful around Dante. And that was before you said I love you to Dante. I guess hating Sonny and loving Dante has really made you not look at the bigger picture. Not to mention when she was with Johnny she use to try and convince him out of a lot of things. So why is this time different? Why because she's in love with Dante and hates Sonny? ... I mean Maxie is her friend and trying to talk her out of all types of crazy things she does.... But I guess it's different because they are best friends.... where as Johnny is her ex. So because she once dated him they can't be friends and over each other advice?

Not to mention Lulu you know what Sonny is capable of. He tried to Kill Johnny to get Anthony to come out into the open, during the Black and White Ball. He locked Johnny up when he though Claudia and Johnny had something to do with Micheal vanishing. He tried to kill Johnny on the Pier, well at least pointed a gun at him. He called Claudia out in front of everyone in Port Charles on her birthday no less. Shot Dante a point blank range. Not to mention you know he's a killer. Yet by all means say more power to him if he gets under Sonny's skin.

Lulu you know this isn't going to end well at all. And I guess the fact you care for Johnny means nothing to you anymore, if you aren't willing to a least talk to him, or maybe ask him what is going on. Because I am sure when Johnny gets hurt or someone else because of this whole thing you are going to kick yourself. If not Then I'll kick you ass, because you could have at least tried to say something to him.

It just annoys me to no end because it feels like they are trying to push away the Jolu love. I mean sure Johnny might try and tell her he's not going to stop. Or maybe he'd tell her the truth, either way their e showing the connection that Johnny and Lulu have. It's almost like they aren't even friends anymore. Like they need to avoid each other. What is up with that? It's been a year, she forgave Maxie for all that happened, she tried to convince Johnny to watch his back around Dante, and have actually had conversations that didn't end in evil death stares. Not to mention celebrated Johnny's testimony together at Jakes. They should be able to get together and talk ever once and away. And Lulu should be able to say I'll talk to him. Because if she says she still cares about what happens to him, which she did, she told Dante she still cares what happens to him, why id she saying this isn't her place?

I'm sure on many levels it isn't her place, but if you know possible out comes for this, why can't she at least try? Why because she's too busy praising Dante for being the hero of the day? The one that does everything right... And hating on Sonny who does everything wrong. Okay we get it Sonny Mobster BAD... Dante cop GOOD. So why did the Mob run the town for 4 years before Dante showed up? And why now is it all of the sudden COP are the GOOD guys... or rather DANTE'S the damn hero and yet Lucky and mac who have been cops in Port Charles are low level scum? because if I remember correctly Lucky was trying to help Dante get Michael of Pentonville. But I guess it means nothing. I mean after all Lucky not really the cop type anyways... Why give him any credit for anything.

You know I love Certain couples and characters on GH I do, but sometime hey drive me up a wall. And I could get all sorts of crap for certain things... but I don't care because no one if perfect on the show. Not a couple or a character. They all suck at one point in time. Sometimes some more so then other, but they do I swear. Just needed to let that out.


Different Since When?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I am starting to see that storyline don't change, just the characters in the storyline. Maybe I should know this since I've been watching GH now for 7 years. Yeah it's not that long, but I have seen four kidnappings, two are they really dead, Five WTD storyline, two with the same character.

And one I noticed is the same or rather really similar was the Dante, Brook and Lulu one. Carly is doing it to "protect" Lulu from the cheater that is Dante, but in reality she's doing it to hurt both Lulu and Dante for Micheal going to jail. Flash back to 2008. Claudia was willing to pay Maxie to sleep with Johnny and have Lulu catch her in the act to keep Johnny and Lulu apart. And Maxie was game, why because she hated Lulu at the time and wanted to sleep with Johnny. (Maybe there is more to it, but that is what I saw.)

Also for Lulu this isn't the first time she's begged for her boyfriends life via Carly. She begged Carly to keep Sonny from killing Johnny and now had begged Carly to keep Jason from killing Dante. I actually just remember that tonight.

And this Patrick, Lisa, Steve Crap? Yes i said crap not the biggest scrubs fan and I will say I do want them apart, but come on have we not learned from the Leyla storyline? Sticking someone in middle of the two of them is asking for trouble. Either give the couple a real freakin storyline like I don't know something that involves Emma or maybe even Noah or Robert or Anna or a simple family problem. That could make they stronger or tare them apart. But come on this whole Patrick someone else... been there done that. Robin will get mad they will fight. And by 2011 Robin and Patrick will be happy again if not sooner. Just give them something that actually I don't know is worthy of them if not them then KIM.

And Maxie and Lucky? I'm sorry I didn't believe them when Greg was playing Lucky, and I sure don't believe them now. I never wanted to see them together... maybe in and Alternate Reality where the mob really doesn't run the town..... but that ain't Port Charles and I don't want to see Mucky 2.0 it just doesn't fly for me. Pair Maxie up with someone that doesn't have kid drama. When I say kid Drama I mean his brother thinking he is the baby father when he's really not. Just pair up Maxie with Matt and have them get it on for a while. Matt needs so lovin. Lucky can be without it for a while. I love my Lucky, but I rather his without love then with Maxie.

And another thing while we are on the Subject of Lucky... haven't we learned from when Courtney was pregnant with Spencer, and Elizabeth with Jake, that the truth always comes out. Not to mention Helena sucks at keeping being hostage, because didn't Courtney escape her. Come on the women's been with Lucky, Rick and Jason and was friends with Sonny.... If you want us to believe that Elizabeth's not going to be able to fight Helena at all, you have another thing coming. But since History does repeat it's self. good lucky Helena in trying to steal that Spencer baby. Don't be surprised if I face in your face when you fail.... EPICALLY.

I had so much more but got distracted and forgot it all. so tune in next time when I try and Remember it all


Caption This

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Just having a Little harmless Fun

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Dante: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Lucky: I think so Brain... but where will we find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night?

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Sam: shit did I leave the stove on?

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Alexis tries to whistle
Diane: Really ah come on, that isn't whistling.

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Carly: I am Carly hear me Roar


Five Things To Know About Watching a Soap Opera

Friday, April 2, 2010

So decided to put together a little list of things that you should know when getting invested into a Daytime Soap Opera. Lets just called it a 5 step guide in a way to watching Soap Operas. Maybe not everything you need to know is in these fives thing, but everything you need to know to stay sane while watching is. It's your guide to not go crazy.

1) Never and I mean NEVER is a good thing when your favorite couple has become an air hog. Because even if they are happy, if they stay on screen for a long time or become an air hog, trust me it means something is coming and most of the time it's never good. A Soap Opera plus happy couple means no air time. So believe me when i say if your not happy about no airtime you're going to be even more unhappy with MORE airtime. It's not possible to have a happy couple, because in the end to much happiness ends up getting BORING and people will stop turning in, so that is why they throw something in the mix. That and to cause Drama, since it is called a DAYTIME DRAMA. Someone gets hurt, dies, or gets involved in an affair, lies, cheats. You name it and it will happen. in the end MORE AIRTIME = THE END.

2) You always, ALWAYS want your least favorite or most hated Couple to have all the airtime. Let them be the air hogs, because the sooner they get the airtime, the sooner something bad happens and it ends it all. Like I said in the first one, MORE AIRTIME = THE END. So if you can sit through letting them have all the airtime then in then you'll get what you want and they'll be over and on to a new couple or back to the couple you love. Most times it's on to a new couple, but sometimes they'll back track and pair up old lovers again. But trust me suffer through the horrible couple and in the end ..... MORE AIRTIME = THE END

3) Grand kids. Yeah if a Parents kids have kid, that said parents will vanish. Don't know if it's like a rule or strange coincidence, but when someone becomes a grandparent on a soap, they start fade into the backdrop, till they are either forgotten or shown like every blue moon. Though I think Erika Kane is the only exception to the rule. (But could be wrong). Have Noticed that once there is a grand kid then they will fade away... I mean looked at General Hospital Bobbie, or Mike... both seem to found their way into the background... just like Audrey. (Though now the actress is retired), before she had seem to find her way into the background too, when Cameron can into the picture if not before and those are just the ones I can think of right now. But I'm sure if you really think about it and look at the different families you'll see it too.

4) On Screen Death. If there is one thing I have learned is that a Death that isn't on screen is easier to rewrite then a death on screen (unless of course it's a death that can't be unchanged, like the actor who plays the character passes away and they chose to respectfully have that character pass away. Or dies of something you can change, like Cancer, aids...) Going back. If a Death isn't written on screen, then you can't really say how the person die, then how they are found. Or not found, in some cases. If the body isn't found, then you know that some day that person has a chance to come back. As for example from 2009/2010 All My Children's Greenlee. Her body was never found (from what I remember), it was said to be found, but her ex/current husband at the time (can't remember which, lol) was the one to prove the body that was found wasn't hers. And she later returned to the show, said to have almost died. Yet now she's alive and well and making trouble in Pine Valley again. If you can't say how someone died, just how they are found.... then you can come up with a way to bring them back. In a way you can see it as if they aren't killed on screen then maybe they aren't dead after all. Things might not be what they seem?

5) Never, NEVER EVER complain to the powers that be about the other one. Because believe me it will never work. It will only give them reason to continue writing the storyline. Because hate for a storyline and complaining about it on the comment lines it will make them make the storyline last longer. Hints for Comments lines, only talk about your couple. Don't mention anything that is against them So like another women, or another man. It won't do you any good. You'll just have to continue to watch this Horrid storyline and suffer through it and it will drive you insane. So when they say Positivity can get you everywhere, It's true here. Talk positive about your favorite couple, and it could do some good. But negativity for the storyline or certain character will do you nothing.

Now you might agree or disagree with what I say are the five things you need to know when watching a soap. But trust me at least two of the five are ones that I know can be agreed upon. It could either help you enjoy the soaps, or drive you completely mad. But I say make sure you keep these things in mind. Because one day they might be useful.


Pot Meet Kettle

Monday, March 29, 2010

It took me a bit but finally figured out similarities in this whole Storyline/trail. And what I found one been there done that.

Let us flash back to 2008 August/September, There was a trail going on, one of and innocent man trying to be sent to death by Mr. Scott Baldwin. (I miss him). Now this innocent man of course wasn't that innocent because he took covered up a murder that was accidental/self defense, that someone he loved and cared about did. But he took the blame because he didn't want the other person to get hurt or have to deal with all he was dealing with. But three simple words could have cleared this whole thing up. That innocent man, well his name was Johnny Zacchara.

Flash forward to 2010, oh look Sonny is on trail for the murder of Claudia Zacchara. A crime he did not commit. A crime that Micheal his son and someone he loved and cared for had commited. But him and everyone involved covered it up. Now Sonny is on trail, while Johnny is trying to make sure he goes to jail. Even though he knows full well that Micheal killed Claudia. And again those three simple words can be said, yet again no one will let Micheal say them. Just like no one let Lulu say them.

Funny how the same storyline repeats it self. But the thing that gets me is that Johnny knows what Sonny is kind of going through right now (minus the Kristina storyline). But Claudia was almost killed during Johnny's trial and Sonny and Micheal saved her. But Johnny knows what's it like to be on trail for a murder you didn't commit. Having a prosecutor that wants you to go to jail and will do anything to make it happen. To not wanting to see the person who really did it be on the stand because they'd blurt it out they killed so and so, and fearing how this could all impact them.

I think what gets me the most about this is that Johnny wants to see Sonny in Jail, why? because of the way he treated Claudia? And using her murder as a way to do it? When again he knows full well that Sonny didn't do it. Johnny that isn't going to bring Claudia back. Nor will it do any good. You are just barking up the wrong tree... digging yourself into a hole. It be better if you just took out the organization. After all half of is technically yours. So turn the men against Sonny and take him out. Because putting him behind bar will not do any good. And plus the show will be over once Sonny's in jail. Half all Jason's been had of the business twice. One got his fiance shot in the back and two got his son kidnapped. With Sonny gone might give him a reason to break free.

I just don't under stand Johnny and his need to send Sonny to Jail for a Crime he didn't even commit and Johnny knows that. Just doesn't make sense to me.


Gansta Hospital

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Once again General Hospital has proven to why the Hospital is no longer and actual part of the show. Now the storylines going on, Kristina and her storyline, The Dante arresting his own father, Elizabeth second WTD baby drama and Johnny's need to take out Sonny are all very good. And General Hospital wanted to come back swinging and they truly have. The storylines since Sept 09 have been really good. But not to take away from my point....

There is still no focus at the hospital. I swear It's almost like what do they do while at the hospital is one of Cast members characters aren't hurt. I know it's mostly been Patrick and Lisa who have done surgery after surgery.... While Steve (Steven) shows up and has his own work. And Robin, such a great character with so much history behind her, I almost feel as if she is just around right now to make Sonny out to be Man Of the Year. Now don't get me wrong I love Robin and I have a love hate relationship with Sonny, but I adore the Robin and Sonny friendship. I just kind of feel they are using the friendship to prop up Sonny a bit and that annoys the crap out of me. Just might be me, but I rather see the Robin/Sonny friendship be used in a good manner. Maybe it will soon and I am just seeing this, because every time Sonny is brought up she goes on about how good of a person he is and can be. But then again I didn't watch when Robin and Stone first started out and Robin and Sonny became friends. I just know some of the history. So this could be me seeing it as someone who hasn't watched the show for 10 years or longer. So again how I see it, I just hope I'm seeing it wrong.

And Patrick? His sudden hatred for Sonny? WTF? It's like He's saying he knows what sonny capable and saw it first hand when he shot his own son, and unarmed cop/man point blank in the chest. Patrick shall we go over the last I don't know 5 years you been in Patrick Charles. I believe he threaded your life if Jason died. He pointed a guy at a man in the operating room while you were operating on Jason Morgan, his hitman. He also asked you to kill a man on the operating table. I also believe he threaded you about Emily. I mean also violence follows him around... His ex-fiance was shot at her wedding because of Him. His son was shot while he was at a coffee warehouse with him. And not to mention his wife goes missing, who he ripped into in front of like the whole town. No that didn't change your mind at all. So many things annoy me with you Patrick. So many things.

Now going back to the Hospital?..... Since when can a Hospital be run by four doctors and a nurse? I mean because the fifth doctor is never shown and the second nurse was put on suspension and check herself into shadybrooke. So it's like who is helping out Robin, Patrick, Lisa and Steve? I love Epiphany, but the women can't be in five places at once? And then there is Matt? By now you'd see him and be like I didn't know he was still on the show? I have seen more airtime from some of the Recurring character then him. And he's on contract. The most airtime he gets now is in the opening credits. I remember when that was Lucky's job. He's gotten two big storyline since he started almost two years ago and yet He ended up not being the center of them in like the second week. I mean come on there is so much you can do with him. I mean for reals he had a past before he came to Port Charles, maybe there was a girl he knew. Maybe the Patient he told Maxie about was someone he cared about. With Brooklynn coming back, maybe they had a past of some sort. He's just in the background right now collecting dust and I know a whole lot of other fans plus myself want to see him on Screen. For more then 25 second every blue moon. because then we ask you, why'd you hire him? If you aren't even going to use him?

So this goes more to proven why the Mob and Violence as taken over General Hospital, big time. (WARNING: contains Spoilers/Supmors/Ruomrs)

So i read a rumor of what was going to happen to Keifer, and now it's looking more like it's going to come true. And honestly I thought there was going to be this great message to Women, Men and Teens as well as Parents about Teen Dating Abuse. And be this really great storyline. And while the Actors in the storyline are doing an amazing job, The show could have taken a different rout then the way I see being hinted at. because things I am seeing are that Kiefer is going to get punished, but he's going to be in a hit and run and someone is going to cover it up. Hello been there done that. Courtney hit Elizabeth, Jason covered it up. Elizabeth, I mean Monica hit Sam with her car, Elizabeth thought it was her. Monica covered it up. And then their have been car accidents. If I remember reading correctly, Gia had one while Liz was in the car is Nikolas (or someone) covered it up. Kristina caused a car crash and covered it up, as did her mother. And let Micheal take the blame and her mother took the blame as well. And that was just last year. Why do another one not even a year after the one Kristina caused? And then there is Sonny wanting to kill people. I get you don't like the law Sonny, but sooner or later the law will catch up to you and you won't be able to get yourself out of this one at all. So why can't Kiefer just be tried and convected of the crime he commented? Why can't you do something like that?

I'm hoping that to keep this good message going that That you should respect yourself, not let anyone push you around or put you down, or hurt you at all, continue with message that speaking up can lead to the person being stopped and actually letting the law punish them.

because this constant getting away with murder is getting old. I know it's not real life, but come on how long can someone get away with murder?


Do I Even Need To Say?

Monday, February 15, 2010

"I told you she needed help. Don't you think she suffered enough?"

Where the fuck does Nikolas get off making this Lucky's fault? Making it about Lucky making Elizabeth suffer because they had the affair. Hello Nikolas you slept with your brothers, like me make this clear for you, FIANCE. Mean she was going to marry your brother. So how come Lucky doesn't have a right to stay mad at her? Why does Lucky have to go and pick up the pieces of the mess you and Elizabeth Made? Sure I love Liz and Lucky and want them to be happy and together, but doesn't mean I want a quick fix for them.

Even Rebecca said it for Elizabeth. She made her bed and now she has to lay in it. So that doesn't give you the right to tell Lucky Elizabeth's in trouble and expect Lucky to jump up and help her, when Elizabeth won't let you help her. Oh boo whoo cry us a freakin river. No one gives a damn about you, because you only care about yourself and everyone knows it. You can say you care and all this shit. But I mean come on you were willing to die to be with your died fiance then stay with your son. You went after a women who looked like your dead fiance and kicked your current girlfriend to the curb, And if you gave a damn about your brother like you said you did, you won't have falling in love with his Girlfriend/fiance or slept with her. You would have said I care about my brother to much to let this go any farther. But no you need to feed your happiness and screw over the brother you claim to love of so much.

Well Guess what Nikolas you suck. And you will always suck. So take your sucky ass and go do something else then stalk your brothers fiance in hopes she'll love you back, because she never will. Yeah she said it to you, but She'll never love you like she loves Lucky. Because you suck. And you can declare your love all you want to her and the world, but it's not going to mean a damn thing, because She's never going to want you again. That is why she has told you to take a hike.

There is so much I could say but I'll wait till more airs and I'm so distracted I keep losing my train of thought, but will have plenty to say when more airs this week.


What The Fudge Were They Thinking? (Spoilers)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

If anyone has read the Spoilers you know now Elizabeth is pregnant. They decided to write Rebecca's Pregnancy into the show. And I am not on to complain about it. I could go with it either way. If they chose to Write it in or not.

It's just the way they are doing it is beyond... it's just wrong. I don't know the whole story and want the new SID now, but have to wait till this weekend. The titled is WHO'S THE DADDY? (Read kind of edited version)

1) Elizabeth and Lucky haven't slept together since November. And it was a big deal the next day. But Elizabeth has found plenty of time to go and sleep with Nikolas all over the place. So WTD doesn't make a lick of sense. Unless they have Liz and Lucky hook up in the next week, but Lucky can't even stand 5 minutes on the pier with her, why would he want to sleep with her? Now sure it could be said they were getting it on off screen. That would mean actually acknowledging the fact that Liz and Lucky have a nice sex life. Yet after they slept together for the first time since the Jason and Sam break ups, it was a big deal. Lucky even told Nikolas about it, who was a jackass because he wanted to be the one in Elizabeth pants. Opps did I say that one out loud? Shame on me.

2) What is with Elizabeth having kids with Mean she isn't married to? Why can't she be married to a guy and have their kid? Why must she be such a ho bag? (I love Elizabeth, but come on even I don't paint her as a saint) She was married to Ric while pregnant with Zander's kid. Married to Lucky while pregnant with Jason's kid (which I refuse to believe. I still believe Jake is Lucky's) And now she's engaged to Lucky or was and Sleeping with Nikolas. Does this mean a Niz baby? Because LnL2 have so much more history and all they got was break up make ups and a wedding, well like 5 and only two that actually got married. But Liason got a Kid. Ziz got a Kid.. why must Niz get a kid before LnL2? Why must you crush Laura's dream of the perfect LnL2 family with a Son? I guess that would be like asking why GH isn't a hospital drama anymore? To complicated to explain. or you just end up in circles trying to get an explanation. Your head will just end up hurting.

3) Helena wants and heir? Hello Helena you have Spencer. (Tainted with Courtney's blood, that makes me laugh).... Helena honey you have a kid Nikolas is ignoring you can kidnap and raise him to be what ever you want him to be. You don't Need Nikolas to create a new one just so he can claim to love it, fight for it and then ignore it. But then at least Spencer won't be so lonely. So Spencer would win out in all that. But honestly back in 2006 didn't we have this big storyline where Helena kidnapped Spencer after crazy nanny Carrie, I mean Collen kidnapped Spencer. And didn't Helena try and get Spencer to be the true Spencer heir. And now what he's too good for you Helena. Finally take another storyline from me. to hurt the Spencer's, ie Lucky, but having Nikolas and Liz have the Cassadine heir. That was my idea Helena. Stick with Spencer at least he'd get attention and can come back and hate Nikolas. Which I still want to see.

4) The LnL2 quick fix. I am sorry but LnL2 never end well when they get their quick fix. I love them I do, but I know if you put them back together to soon they will never work out. I mean look at what happened with the Maxie and Drugs? They gave them a quick fix and didn't let them find their way back as friends or co-parents and then ended up in a bigger mess. And after a while LnL2 finally were happen to find their way back as friends and not hate each other. And which lead to their reunion in May 2009. Only for it to be killed again but something so freakin stupid. I mean, No I got nothing. Now reading the article there is the LnL2 quick fix and all because of a baby again. I only hope the quick fix is only what I want I see and show different on screen. If that confused you, I mean I hope what I am reading plays different on screen so that isn't not really a LnL2 quick fix and it's a road to recovery. Because I would actually like to see them find their way back together in a nice manner, that isn't quick and over a baby or one of the kids, but because they want to be together again.

5) Totally unrelated to Elizabeth, Lucky, Nikolas and the baby spon. I am so getting sick of how the show called General Hospital, can't seem to get certain medical things right. First with the kid on the stretcher. And now with Dante on Monday. I can understand getting to the wound and all but to completely take off his shirt and then take him out into the winter cold of New York without anything cover his upper body is crazy. First of all, I know it's not a long way, but it's cold out side and your taking off his shirt. Hello that's asking for hypothermia. he already has a gun shot, let freeze him as well. And the gun shoot wound? How did it mange to go from bleeding endlessly to completely stopping, beside maybe a little as if you stuck a band aid on a paper cut? Why didn't they have a paramedic applying pressure to the wound to stop id from bleeding and Dante from bleeding to death? because honest;y that would have happened if the bleeding was as back as Olivia was making it out to be and it was a gun shot to the chest. Yet is seemed as if no big deal.

Also I highly doubt a paramedic would leave a needle and a bottle of something they use (not sure what it was really), on the ground at the crime seen so anyone could just find it. I'm pretty sure they'd take it back with them. Since it's a use needle and the bottle is medical equipment, that I am sure wasn't empty and needed to come back. But nope lets leave it for dramatic effect. Forget it's called General Hospital, it's all about Drama. Give me a Break it just goes to show you, you care more about making the show into a Daytime Sopranos then keeping it's roots. Why actually do anything right in the hospital when you can make it up along the way?


Strayed So Far Away

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Watching the Episode today made me realize how far they was strayed away from the actually hospital part of the show. Sure they have doctors and everything, but in the end they are just for show. They only show the same three hospital staff, and now they have added two more members, but Epiphany and Matt seem to have faded into the back drop of the Hospital, and Monica I slightly wonder if she is even part of the hospital anymore. Since she is no longer Chief of Staff, and really hasn't been seen around the hospital in a white lab coat in a long time. In the end it's really just Patrick, Robin and Elizabeth. At least they have two historic character holding up the Hospital front. And last year they added in Lisa and Steven, I'm sorry Steve. I'm sure to attempt to say oh yeah this is still about a hospital. We are still acknowledging the fact the name of the show is called GENERAL HOSPITAL. Just doesn't mean we'll actually do things right when it comes to the doctors. Sure they can talk the big talk, but the little things mean nothing to them.

Like today. Two crash victims came into the ER. There is no way in the real life that boy who came in wouldn't have a neck brace on. Because I have been taking to the hospital in and ambulance and all I did was faint and they stuck me on a backboard and in a neck brace. It's so they can make sure you sustain a neck injury or didn't sustain one. So the fact he was moving around like he was wouldn' actually happen. Because if you on a backboard and have a neckbrace on you wouldn't be able to move like that at all. Until the cleared him and made sure nothing was broken, or hurt. But little things like that they mean nothing since it's all about Jason and Jason, I mean Sonny and Jason.

I mean the guy was only in a car crash. yet the girl who was in the care with him was still on the backboard and still had the neckbrace and head guard (don't know what that is called) on and couldn't move. But the boy he could move all around. And then wow she was standing up in the same room as the doctors and her. Almost like nothing ever happened to him.

It's things like these that take away from what the show started out about. And prove more and more to fans that the show is more about Jason and Sonny and they mob crap. I mean the mob is and interesting part of the show, but taking away from what made the show was it was is like spitting on it's history and the people who created it. And I'm sure not every show can stay the same forever, but it be like taking ER and adding in a mob gang and then taking out the hospital all together. Then why call it ER? There is no ER, no Hospital, no Doctors. What makes it so interesting to tune into, every week?

The least that could be done is that even if the show stays all about Sonny and Jason, they at least try and get the Hospital parts right. or it's going to be the question of why is Hospital in the name at all? because they don't do anything with it and anything they do do isn't realistic. And I mean people coming back from the dead isn't realistic either, but why not get the things most important right then mess them up and say it was only a mistake or something. or say it was our bad we didn't mean to do it. Because the viewers aren't stupid and though some don't pay attention to little details as others, doesn't mean people won't notice.


If I Hear It Again I'll Scream

Friday, January 15, 2010

Let me just say, Nikolas is a grown man. Meaning he should be responsible for his actions. All his actions. Sleeping with his brother fiance, ignoring his son, disrespecting his brother, ignoring his son. And I'm sure the list can go on. And you see my point from the few I posted already.

So i am going to say if I hear that Nikolas is only acting the way he is because of Emily's death I will scream. I am sorry but that is a load of BULL SHIT. I was a Nikolas and Emily fan, they were great. But the women died in 2007, it's now 2010 I'm sorry but these are his action now. He needs to own up to them and stop hiding behind Emily's death. (No disrespect to anyone who lost a loved one) But I know at least in soaps getting close to three years after the death of someone, you aren't still grieving. What life is that if you are still grieving over a loved one? Why not life your life? We all deal with love and lost, don't mean we have to grieve forever.

And Honestly the only reason I believe that Nikolas and Emily and Emily's death was brought up so much was because Natty came back. Other wise I'm sure Emily would have been and after lot. Like Courtney, like Georgie, Like Cooper, Jessie, Zander, Stan, and the list goes on. But no Emily death is mentioned every time to justify what Nikolas is doing and how he is acting. But you know what is needs to stop. Emily is dead she is gone and Nikolas, Liz, Lucky, no one can bring her back.

So can we stop using Emily's death to justify everything Nikolas does. because what's next Nikolas or someone else is going to say oh Nikolas is still grieving over Emily, Spencer that is why he can't play with you. But you'll make plenty of friends at boarding school. Be sure to write, but don't expected to get letters back or any kid of contact from Nikolas till he's done grieving over Emily.

I can see it now

Spencer: When will that be?
Someone: We don't know. No go with Alfred he'll make sure everything is settled
Spencer: Can I say goodbye to daddy
Someone: Sorry he's still grieving
*Spencer walks away all sad*

And perfect idea in my head, Spencer gets sent to boarding school, come back aged again. (Cause he's been aged, de-aged and aged some more) And he is out to hurt Nikolas for not paying attention to him enough. You know one of those TV kids with daddy issues. He hates his dad so much he wants nothing to do with him. If that doesn't happen I'll be surprised still Nikolas went to great length to get his son, and yet can't seem to spend any time with him. Or take him on trips. I'm sure if Rebecca wasn't around or Liz then Nikolas wouldn't have even taken Spencer to the Carnival.

Got off topic. Cause this was supposed to be about Using Emily's death to justify Nikolas and his actions and what he does.

Here is something, you know it's funny Nikolas got over Courtney's death in less then a year. He actually moved on with his life, and gained a son to love and care for. And Emily dies and Nikolas can't get over it at all. He rather die to be with her, then be with his son. He chooses to be with her twin sister because she looks just like her. And now trying to get with her best friend because he claims if anything she reminds him the most of his dead Emily. Elizabeth that is your cue to run and run fast.

Though it's funny for a little bit after Emily finally vanished Nikolas was moving on with his life in 2008. There was hope for him. And Nadine just made him light up. Rebecca, Emily's twin show up and bam he's back into Emily why'd you leave me, Emily I can't live with out you. Emily I'm going to screw you twin because she looks like you. Emily I'm going to screw your best friend and screw over my brother because she the closest thing I have to you. And I'm going to say I love you to her, but My I loves you me nothing less they are you to. Because I suck at life without you.

Just please let Nikolas own up to his action and let everyone let Nikolas own up to his actions. Because Emily isn't and excuse anymore. It's just a plot point. Just let Emily because what the rest of the Kid characters are, plot points. Because if they are going to be using Emily as more then they have to use Georgie too. Because Georgie is the daughter of Felicia and Frisco and shouldn't be dead to begin with. But that is a rant for another day. So just let Emily rest because I will scream if another person Justifies Nikolas's action with he is grieving over Emily. Because he's not. He Know full well WHAT THE FUCK HE IS DOING!!!


Very Special Bog Post

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I will not be posting a rant or anything about General Hospital in this post. (So for this post only I ask you ignore the blog and just read this one.)

Trying to spread this without people having to join a board. And either way this is something I am going to do.

I run Wish You Were (Sonny and Olivia Fan site), Greg Vaughan Fan Site, Rebecca Herbst Fan Site, Dominic Zamprogna Fan site and co-run Where You are (LnL2 Fan site) And I kind of wanted to join them all together, as well as any other site who wanted to join in. Along with fans who is intersted.

To come together, as a group donate to the Haiti relief fond. Cause it's time like these when you know every little bit counts.

And I personally know how fortunate I have been, And so I plan on donating, for myself and in honor for my sites and the actors they support, To help those effect by the quake.

But was thinking about this idea in my head today, and with all the donation things I have been seeing, figured maybe it be an idea. So if your intersted let me know.

(If you are already donating, it is for a good cause.)


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