If I Hear It Again I'll Scream

Friday, January 15, 2010

Let me just say, Nikolas is a grown man. Meaning he should be responsible for his actions. All his actions. Sleeping with his brother fiance, ignoring his son, disrespecting his brother, ignoring his son. And I'm sure the list can go on. And you see my point from the few I posted already.

So i am going to say if I hear that Nikolas is only acting the way he is because of Emily's death I will scream. I am sorry but that is a load of BULL SHIT. I was a Nikolas and Emily fan, they were great. But the women died in 2007, it's now 2010 I'm sorry but these are his action now. He needs to own up to them and stop hiding behind Emily's death. (No disrespect to anyone who lost a loved one) But I know at least in soaps getting close to three years after the death of someone, you aren't still grieving. What life is that if you are still grieving over a loved one? Why not life your life? We all deal with love and lost, don't mean we have to grieve forever.

And Honestly the only reason I believe that Nikolas and Emily and Emily's death was brought up so much was because Natty came back. Other wise I'm sure Emily would have been and after lot. Like Courtney, like Georgie, Like Cooper, Jessie, Zander, Stan, and the list goes on. But no Emily death is mentioned every time to justify what Nikolas is doing and how he is acting. But you know what is needs to stop. Emily is dead she is gone and Nikolas, Liz, Lucky, no one can bring her back.

So can we stop using Emily's death to justify everything Nikolas does. because what's next Nikolas or someone else is going to say oh Nikolas is still grieving over Emily, Spencer that is why he can't play with you. But you'll make plenty of friends at boarding school. Be sure to write, but don't expected to get letters back or any kid of contact from Nikolas till he's done grieving over Emily.

I can see it now

Spencer: When will that be?
Someone: We don't know. No go with Alfred he'll make sure everything is settled
Spencer: Can I say goodbye to daddy
Someone: Sorry he's still grieving
*Spencer walks away all sad*

And perfect idea in my head, Spencer gets sent to boarding school, come back aged again. (Cause he's been aged, de-aged and aged some more) And he is out to hurt Nikolas for not paying attention to him enough. You know one of those TV kids with daddy issues. He hates his dad so much he wants nothing to do with him. If that doesn't happen I'll be surprised still Nikolas went to great length to get his son, and yet can't seem to spend any time with him. Or take him on trips. I'm sure if Rebecca wasn't around or Liz then Nikolas wouldn't have even taken Spencer to the Carnival.

Got off topic. Cause this was supposed to be about Using Emily's death to justify Nikolas and his actions and what he does.

Here is something, you know it's funny Nikolas got over Courtney's death in less then a year. He actually moved on with his life, and gained a son to love and care for. And Emily dies and Nikolas can't get over it at all. He rather die to be with her, then be with his son. He chooses to be with her twin sister because she looks just like her. And now trying to get with her best friend because he claims if anything she reminds him the most of his dead Emily. Elizabeth that is your cue to run and run fast.

Though it's funny for a little bit after Emily finally vanished Nikolas was moving on with his life in 2008. There was hope for him. And Nadine just made him light up. Rebecca, Emily's twin show up and bam he's back into Emily why'd you leave me, Emily I can't live with out you. Emily I'm going to screw you twin because she looks like you. Emily I'm going to screw your best friend and screw over my brother because she the closest thing I have to you. And I'm going to say I love you to her, but My I loves you me nothing less they are you to. Because I suck at life without you.

Just please let Nikolas own up to his action and let everyone let Nikolas own up to his actions. Because Emily isn't and excuse anymore. It's just a plot point. Just let Emily because what the rest of the Kid characters are, plot points. Because if they are going to be using Emily as more then they have to use Georgie too. Because Georgie is the daughter of Felicia and Frisco and shouldn't be dead to begin with. But that is a rant for another day. So just let Emily rest because I will scream if another person Justifies Nikolas's action with he is grieving over Emily. Because he's not. He Know full well WHAT THE FUCK HE IS DOING!!!


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