Very Special Bog Post

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I will not be posting a rant or anything about General Hospital in this post. (So for this post only I ask you ignore the blog and just read this one.)

Trying to spread this without people having to join a board. And either way this is something I am going to do.

I run Wish You Were (Sonny and Olivia Fan site), Greg Vaughan Fan Site, Rebecca Herbst Fan Site, Dominic Zamprogna Fan site and co-run Where You are (LnL2 Fan site) And I kind of wanted to join them all together, as well as any other site who wanted to join in. Along with fans who is intersted.

To come together, as a group donate to the Haiti relief fond. Cause it's time like these when you know every little bit counts.

And I personally know how fortunate I have been, And so I plan on donating, for myself and in honor for my sites and the actors they support, To help those effect by the quake.

But was thinking about this idea in my head today, and with all the donation things I have been seeing, figured maybe it be an idea. So if your intersted let me know.

(If you are already donating, it is for a good cause.)


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