Do I Even Need To Say?

Monday, February 15, 2010

"I told you she needed help. Don't you think she suffered enough?"

Where the fuck does Nikolas get off making this Lucky's fault? Making it about Lucky making Elizabeth suffer because they had the affair. Hello Nikolas you slept with your brothers, like me make this clear for you, FIANCE. Mean she was going to marry your brother. So how come Lucky doesn't have a right to stay mad at her? Why does Lucky have to go and pick up the pieces of the mess you and Elizabeth Made? Sure I love Liz and Lucky and want them to be happy and together, but doesn't mean I want a quick fix for them.

Even Rebecca said it for Elizabeth. She made her bed and now she has to lay in it. So that doesn't give you the right to tell Lucky Elizabeth's in trouble and expect Lucky to jump up and help her, when Elizabeth won't let you help her. Oh boo whoo cry us a freakin river. No one gives a damn about you, because you only care about yourself and everyone knows it. You can say you care and all this shit. But I mean come on you were willing to die to be with your died fiance then stay with your son. You went after a women who looked like your dead fiance and kicked your current girlfriend to the curb, And if you gave a damn about your brother like you said you did, you won't have falling in love with his Girlfriend/fiance or slept with her. You would have said I care about my brother to much to let this go any farther. But no you need to feed your happiness and screw over the brother you claim to love of so much.

Well Guess what Nikolas you suck. And you will always suck. So take your sucky ass and go do something else then stalk your brothers fiance in hopes she'll love you back, because she never will. Yeah she said it to you, but She'll never love you like she loves Lucky. Because you suck. And you can declare your love all you want to her and the world, but it's not going to mean a damn thing, because She's never going to want you again. That is why she has told you to take a hike.

There is so much I could say but I'll wait till more airs and I'm so distracted I keep losing my train of thought, but will have plenty to say when more airs this week.


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