I Love You.... Really?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i think I threw up a little in my month when Nikolas "declared" his love for Elizabeth. Didn't he do that like in June to Rebecca? or was that July? I lost track of when they were doing when I stopped caring about Nikolas. It only really got intersted when it was reviled that Rebecca was sleeping with Ethan. Damn shame they could have been a really hott couple, yet they had to stick with Epic failure NEM2.0. And now look where they are? Nikolas doesn't even look twice at Rebecca, who he was gag gag about when she first came to town all because she looked like Emily and screwed over Nadine. Poor Nadine when he saw Rebecca you never stood a chance. Too bad Matt wasn't around to type your tears, oh wait he was, but then he got screwed over too. The potential couples and characters have are wasted for what? For a crappy love story of a Double and twin sisters ex-husband. Because that is what Nikolas was, he was and Ex-husband/Fiance. Emily and Nikolas where only engaged for what 6 hours before she was killed. By one of the worst killers... I loved Diego. It's just his reasons for killing some people, Georgie, were ridiculous. I'm sorry but if GH expects me to believe Diego would ever kill Georgie you are sadly mistaken. Diego would never and I mean never touch a hair on her head. She was the only one that actually liked him and gave him the time of day when everyone wrote him off. And then he goes and kills Georgie because she could ID him? BULL SHIT!!!!!

Sorry went on a little rant there, back to my point, if I really had one. Wait no I did it was about Nikolas telling Elizabeth he loved her. And then goes and tells Lucky after fighting with his at one time step-father. "What ever he tells you, I'm your brother and I love you". Really? because you love your brother you sleeping with his fiance. That is some sick and twisted love there Nikolas. But I think as long as you don't invite Lucky into the mix we'll step away from the sick. That would just be wrong on so many levels. Why did I just say that it's in my head now. I need to wash my brain with soap. I think I am scared for like for saying that. If you are too I am so so sorry.

I loved Luke today, calling Nikolas out and then calling him a liar. Nikolas you are sleeping with your brothers Fiance, shall we repeat that again? Your Bother's Fiance. Why would Luke even give you the time of day? Like really? You think he would. That he's just forget all about and you two could be like father and son? Not that I think they ever were that close, but they could stand to be in the same room as each other and even I think you know got along. But yeah Nikolas you tossed that out the window when you screwed over your own brother, who you claim to love, but screwing his fiance. There is that word again fiance. Funny you had one of those. Remember her? I mean after all you wanted to die for her. Forget Spencer, dead Fiance Emily was where it's at. You lived your live all about Emily for the longest time. Honestly Nadine was able to get you out of your Emily faze and screw her over and look your Emily faze is back. Shocking.

So this is my Christmas wish... who can make it come true?... it is for Nikolas to go far far away. Some where that he can't be and ubber loser.


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