Dare I say?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

So it’s been a long time since my last post and last time I posted I was going to talk about the Nikolas/Rebecca/ and lack there was of Lucky…. Well it’s more Liz/Lucky/Nikolas and lack there is of Rebecca. Funny how an Actor change… can changed the role in a storyline. (I have nothing against Jonathan, in fact I do like his and Becky’s version of Liz and Lucky. I’m just a bigger fan of Greg Vaughan and Him and Becky’s Liz and Lucky.)

Everyone or anyone who reads this should know I am no longer a Nikolas fan and have way to much fun bashing him. (Please note Tyler Christopher is an actor and think he’s doing a good job.) I just hate everything to do with the fictional CHARACTER Nikolas. While we are on the subject of character hate… I can’t not stand Johnny right now. I want to slap him upside his head. Where did the real Johnny Zacchara go? Hoping they can redeem him, because I miss the really Johnny.

But today I am going to be talking about the horrible Nikolas/Liz/Lucky and lack there of Rebecca Triangle plus one. And the horribleness that is Johnny and Olivia. As always don’t read if you are a fan. because these are my views and if you don’t like it I don’t care.

First Nikolas/Lucky and Elizabeth/Rebecca. Oh how did they miss a great opportunity with Rebecca. First off she’s not Emily. Kind of not liking she’s Emily’s twin and hated how thei paired her up with Nikolas first hand. NEM 2.0 Epic Failure. I loved seeing Natty and Tyler together, but honestly they only work in my eyes as Emily and Nikolas. Maybe if years went by and then paired up again it might work. Like with Kirsten and Jason (another epic Failure, because they have smoken hot chem and isn’t freakin used) …. because they were out of each other obrit for a while and then placed back and still prove they have it. That they can pull of two different Characters and still be somken hott when together. And the fact Natty wasn’t even gone a year before being ask? or coming back, it didn’t seem believe able. Then again Soaps are known for bring on twins like right after the first one died. Some times it works and same times it doesn’t. But honestly I think Nikolas had a great thing going with Nadine and then bam Nadine/Claire kicked to the curb for the epic failure that was NEM 2.0.

And now since that failed it’s on to Niz… (Can there be a name for them to make fun of them? Like Liason was Jiz, still love that lol)… This realtionship that came out of no where. I mean like really came out of no where. Liz and Nikolas have known each other since 1997 and have been friends since 1998, And yet nothing has happened with them. And nothing like 11-12 years later it’s like lets pair them up. First would like to ask and honest question… before the Tyler and Becky (Niz) Kiss early this year, (because Niz did kiss once before, when Nikolas had a crush on her in 1999/2000) … So back to my question.. before the kiss earlier this year did anyone really want to see them together? Honestly I’d like to know if anyone shipped them before they were kissing that kiss? … I will be honest and say even though I love Elizabeth and Lucky. I teased the idea of Liz and Nikolas with my friends. (But I can’t enjoy them now because I can’t stand Nikolas).

But I do understand that you can’t have a happy couple in a soap 24/7 because then it be boring. Why would people tune in 5 days a week? So they need conflict and angst and all this, but it almost has to make sense. And I just feel this while Liz and Nikolas thing just doesn’t make sense. After the kiss at Jakes. Liz was talking about getting back with Lucky and Nkolas with Rebecca. And They end up back with those too… and then Liz and Lucky are barely shown on screen… and right around the time Rebecca’s big secret comes out… wam Liz and Nikolas have feelings for each other? Maybe if there was some more build up I could see it. Or maybe if it was right after the kiss. But I mean it just came out of no where at least for me. And now they have feelings for each other, Nikolas loves her and Elizabeth, not to sure what her feelings are but all I know if I will be happy onc this big secret comes out. because honestly I don’ know how much longer I can sit and watch Nikolas proclaim his love for Elizabeth, Or how she saved him or what ever. Truly to me my Nikodine heart is shattered. It’s like she never even mattered to him. Like she was just another knoch on his belt and now he’s had Emily’s twin… now time for his brother’s ex-wife/current fiance. And i’m sure Nico fans are upset too. If you aren’t you should be. I mean come on the guy stopped giving a damn about Spencer the moment Emily died and Rebecca Entered. I mea Nadine helped his care for Spencer…. and then Rebecca shows up Spencer who? I have a son? Really?

You do not know how much I want to see Spencer all grown up and working with Helena. I would freakin love it. I mean his own father abandons him, doesn’t pay attention to him. It’s to busy trying to get into Elizabeth’s pants to care. So why can’t Helena take care of Spencer, not like Nikolas would notice Spencer was missing. It make for a great storyline, Spencer taken by Helena and raised to hate his father. Take down his own father and took over as the Prince of Grease? What is Nikolas the Prince of anyways? I don’t think I actually know or maybe I forgot it. It could bring back the Spencer/Cassadine war… which it seems to be on it’s way back anyways. It be like all those Parents worst fears dreams. that they tend to have on the soaps. Of the kid all grown up saying ‘Why didn’t you want me? Whay didn’t you love me?’ . Sorry having to much funn imaging Spencer all grown up and hating on his father for not loving him enough. If Helena can’t have him can Lucky raise him? Lucky would at least care about Spencer. I mean he’s already father to Cam and Jake and they are his (Though my my mind Jake is Lucky’s. But that is my mind, don’t hate on me for that). So what is one more kid?

Speaking of Kids… I am so pissed at Johnny right now (But damn you Brandon for being so hott). I don’t understand how Johnny could think Olivia would chose him over her own Son? I mean I’m not a mother myself, but i do know if I was Olivia I’d chose Dante over anyone I was dating if it came to protecting my son’s life. I find nothing wrong with her wanting to keep her son from dying. I can get Johnny would be mad at her for lying to her. But honestly him expecting her to chose him over Dante and tell her the truth, it’s like are you sure your okay Johnny? I kind of wish it was more of a I’m pissed you lied to me, because you wanted to keep your son safe okay I get that. But no of course not. Guess the bigger the conflict the better they think the reunion would be.

Sorry to burst your bubble, because there is no better reunion for Johnny and Olivia then to see them end it all together. Then again I guess that doesn’t make sense… but in the end Johnny and Olivia are so much better APART, then together.

I kind of lost my train of thought of where I was going. So I leave you with this for now. And if I remember will pick up where I left off on my next post.


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