Double Your Plessure?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It’s not just a Gum……… So since Nikolas is such an easy target for me, I’m pulling out that target sign and placing it on his back. (For Nik Fans, but I’ve sailed away from him. Tyler is awesome… Nikolas is not)

Really The same dress that Emly died in? Really? (Pulling an SNL) Really Asking her to waltz? Really? Really A shoe left behind? Really? There is so much I want to say right now not sure where to start…. The Dress? Creepy factor. The Waltz… Just screw over Nadine and Nikolas some more….. Come on the fans do notice, we aren’t as stupid as you really believe…… and the shoe? I’m sorry right because this is Rebecca fairy tale. (I miss the old Rebcca, the Nikolas hating Rebecca, Where did you go?)

I will start with the dress. Has Nikolas gone completely mental or just realy trying to make Rebecca Emily? Because I swear that was if not the same looking dress, but the same dress Emily wore to the Black and White ball. When I saw her in I was like is Diego going to pop up and kill her now too? I mean really? That is a tad…. no sorry that is uber creepy. It was like he was trying to make Rebecca Emily and every way shape or form. I’m sorry but I have been losing repect for Nikolas and this just sent me over the edge.

“I care about you Rebecca. But if Emily showed up alive I’d leave you in a heart break. Even if you look like her you still different. I’ll just make you my sub Emily. While I make love to you I’ll think of Emily. When I look at you I’m really looking at Emily. Emily Emily Emily.” – Okay Nikolas I get you loved the women… but you’ve become a full Cassadine. Your uncle would be so proud. I mean you forgot your family… You know that LITTLE BOY YOU HAD WITH COURTNEY!!!!! (Lets just screw over those Nico Fans so more)….. Your brother and sister…. Some how when you see Lucky it’s about Rebecca and how it makes you feel…. and can’t remember the last time Nikolas had a scene with Lulu….. Lucky I can say they had scenes… Though it’s about Luke and Ethan, they still have more scenes… while Nikolas stay all alone or with the Emily double in the cave.

Oh wait I’m sorry they had scenes… for like 6 second maybe…. Lucky commented on Liz being right (thank you for finally listening) …. And Lulu supported Nikolas and Rebeca… can you say Lulu the new Rebecca and Nikolas prop. We are so proud Lulu. Julie has amazing talents, please lets not make her a prop…. please. (already killed Georgie… please give Lulu a storyline away from his horrible excuse for a half brother and his ex-love double)

And please Liz and Lucky find out that Ethan and Rebecca are working together so They can finally get together and Nikolas can dump her… or she can dump him… I’d rather she dump Nikolas… but get her away from Nikolas and in Ethan’s arms and I’ll be one happy camper and put Greg and Becky on Screen together and I’m in Heaven.

Not a rant just a praze. Johnny is not a cold hearted Zacchara thank you very much. She saved Jason life, he supposed to let him die and he saved someone who could and will kill him once he finds out his invovlment in Micheal shooting. Maybe Johnny can use this to say I saved your ass now spare mine. Truly Johnny just knew it was Claudia who set up the hit from the start, but really didn’t have any invovlment. Yet that knowing broke up Johnny and Lulu. And we get what Johnny and Olivia….. I have nothing with the age difference… I just find it wrong… Johnny is like the Enemy and Sonny is the main mob boss. I just find it wrong. For those enjoy… I don’t and won’t support it sorry. Now Johnny and Liz or Robin that is hott… Though I rather see Liz with Lucky… And blame my friend for the idea of Robin and Johnny… She loves them. I’m sorry She LOVES them. It’s all good because they are hott.

I won’t even go into the Micheal storyline… We’ll be here for weeks. I mean really? Really? It needs to end already.

I have more to say But I’ll bore you another day…

Blog It out


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