Why Nikolas Cassadine is not the right guy for Elizabeth!!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Now I am not going to go on this huge long rant about Nikolas and my dislike for him, but I will go through the reasons to why Nikolas Cassadine isn’t the right choice for Elizabeth. Now all my data I will be providing you with if from 2003 to the present, with a little of 1997-1998/1999. Basically all the date is from when Tyler Christopher was in the role. Just so we get that cleaned up from the start.

Now let us take it back to 2003, Nikolas and Emily both arrive back in town and Emily get back together with her old boyfriend Zander. Nikolas falls for Emily, but Emily is taken. Then when she is actually married to Zander and in remission from her cancer her and Nikolas sleep together. Of course Zander went and slept with Elizabeth, but we are on to Nikolas. This isn’t the first time he’s done it either. Years later, after his marriage to Emily fall apart and they try to restart, things don’t work out. Nikolas ends up falling for… wait for it… a married woman. This woman being Courtney Jacks, letter it turned out her marriage to Jax or Jason wasn’t actually legal, really? After Courtney and Jax break up Nikolas and Courtney get cozy, oh wait Courtney also finds out she’s pregnant. She isn’t sure who the baby’s father is. After a long who’s the daddy storyline, it’s finally reveled that Nikolas is the baby’s father. That baby named Spencer Cassadine, after Nikolas’s mother’s family and his brother and sister, because he loves them so much. After Courtney’s death Nikolas is left raising Spencer all by himself, only for Emily to return back into his life. Everything almost seems like it’s perfect, they were going to get married again and live happily ever after. Only Emily’s killed and Nikolas has a brain tumor.

Nikolas claimed to love Emily too much he was willing to let the brain tumor kill him so he could be with her, then save himself to be with his son. After he finally lets go of Emily and saves himself, he ends up falling for nurse Nadine Crowell. Only for Emily twin sister to come to town, Nadine is forgotten about and Nikolas wants to play pretend you are Emily with me. Which leads to the kiss at Jakes with Elizabeth. He tries to be with Emily’s twin, but he now as some sort of feelings for Elizabeth, obsession really. After Emily’s twin leaves town, he starts hooking up with Elizabeth while she is with his brother Lucky and engaged to his brother. Elizabeth finds out she’s pregnant, Nikolas is claimed to be the father and Nikolas actually remembers he has a son, but he’ll do better this time around with their new baby. The baby isn’t really Nikolas’s that is found out later. Nikolas ends up hooking up with Brooklyn who’s he’s sister’s age that is a little creepy. Only to end up leaving town in the end. Now if he claims to love Elizabeth so much, who’s to stay he isn’t going to do to her what he did to Emily and Nadine? He cheated on Emily with Courtney, also slept with Emily while she was married to Zander. Slept with Courtney while she was married to Jax. Slept with Elizabeth while engaged to Lucky. There is this old saying, once a cheater always a cheater…. I wouldn’t trust that man in a committed relationship. (Though everything that happened after Emily’s death was all because he was grieving over Emily. He just couldn’t help things; it was all because of Emily’s death. Funny how that isn’t the excuse anymore.)

Not only all of the above, but he’s also a hypocritical, judgmental, holier than thou asshole. There are been more times he has told someone something and then gone back and did it himself like there was nothing wrong with it. So lets point out some things shall we?

2007 – Nikolas and Sam got into a fight, sure part of it was because Nikolas had an anger issues with was later found out to be the tumor in his brain. But he went and yelled at Sam saying “Lucky threw away his entire family because of you” because Lucky went and slept with Sam while still married to Elizabeth and then after they agreed to break up, Lucky chose to be with Sam. I’m sure there was some part of him that wanted to yell at her too. Not to mention he got all preachy on Sam about how she wasn’t helping matters when it came to Liz and Lucky’s marriage. How she needed to stay away so they can work things out.

Here is a great quote “You come on to Lucky, you get to have your fun, but Lucky he throws away his family for the second and last time. In the end he’s the one that’s sorry.” Nikolas says to Sam… funny sounds like what you did with Elizabeth. Nikolas got to sleep wit Elizabeth and have his fun wit Elizabeth, yet when the truth came out she lost Lucky and ended up in a mental hospital.

Some more great quote. Nikolas: Now you show up at Sam’s apartment ready to throw it all away. Lucky: Just stop passing judgment on me…. Yes Lucky he is passing judgment, and he is continuing to do it. Why because that is who is he. He thinks he’s better then anyone and gives advice but never takes his own.

“But who am I, I’m just your brother trying to keep you from ruining your life yet again.” Funny where was this guy when he was sleeping with his brothers girl?

“You go ahead, you spit on everything you have left, but when it’s all gone don’t come crying to me” yet you can go crying to everyone else when you’ve lost everything?

2005 – During the time Courtney and Nikolas were sleeping together. Nikolas and Lucky fought outside of Kelly after Lucky goes and starts trashing Courtney right in front of him. One quote that pops out is this one “Did it occurs to either one of you that lives would be ruined.” My dear Lucky it never occurs to Nikolas that what he does ruins lives. He just does what he does and takes what he wants.

Here is another great one “You're obsessed by another women” how right you are Lucky. That is what Nikolas relationship are now, they are just his obsessions. He doesn’t really care about these women; he is just obsessed with them and thinks he does.

2008 – Should I never go into how Nikolas wanted to stay with a figment of his imagination and then be with his son? How he didn’t want to live without Emily, yet he had a son alive and well ready to be with his father after all that kids first year of his life was being part of one family and then another. Yeah so much for that not being able to live with out Emily. He seems to be doing just fine now. Though it was a nice touch in 2009/2010 having everything Nikolas did because he was still grieving over Emily’s death. Emily died in 2007, and he’s still grieving? Give me a fucking break, no one grieves that not, not on a soap at least. Not to mention he didn’t seem to be grieving over Emily after his relationship with Nadine got deeper. He seemed to be doing just fine in life.

2010 – Now all of a sudden… well after a kiss a Jake’s and a few other kisses, plus some nights of horror, I mean sex, he’s in love with Elizabeth? Again give me a fucking break. The only love Nikolas feels for Elizabeth his love for a friend, since yet they have been friends for a very long time. Sure there is love at first sight, but again they have known each other forever and now after all these years he’s known he’s cared about her? Okay so there was this one time they kissed when Nikolas had a crush on her, but that was shut down. Honestly it was like a while after Lucky was believed to be killed in a fire. What is it with the deaths of people they love and Nikolas wanting to kiss and hook up with Elizabeth? I’m sorry not buying this whole he’s always been in love with Elizabeth. One that is a smack in the fast to just about every fandom Nikolas is a part of, and an even bigger slap to the face to Emily. You know the women he claimed was the love of his life. (I guess you can argue on a soap there are no loves of each others lives, but this is what we call endgame my friend.)

These are only a few things, I’m sure if I go back in time I can find way more out there. Nikolas believes he’s above it all and nothing to touch him. Yet he’ll go around and yell other people what to do, or rather what they should be doing. Not to mention judge them if they don’t listen to him. So no Nikolas isn’t the right guy for Elizabeth, doesn’t really mean any other guy she’s been with is really the right guy, but at least they are better then Nikolas. He choses not to own up to his mistakes, he just blames something else. (Maybe once or twice he has, but has he owned up to the part he played in the affair with Elizabeth?) … He also believes he should be the one to win Elizabeth love and affection. Boy you won’t win it, your earn it. She is not a prize to be won, she is a person and deserves respect and for you to work for it. Don’t even think about saying you are the better man, because just me you are not and you never will be.

So take your Greek Prince ass and go back to Greece.


Daytime Emmys! Why It Means So Much!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I am absolutely appalled by the was the Daytime Emmys have been treated. It's almost like they aren't that important in the long run. But they are. If not to the actors them, but to the fans. A whole night to honor our favorites in the work they do on a daily basis. We as fan spent more time and share more with these fictions character and couples then we do with friends or family sometimes. We grow to love them and get crushed when our favorite break up or a favorite gets killed off. And I know its worth the heart ache of watching you favorite couple fight and break up, only to find their way back. Or to watch your favorite character get stomped on every day, only to rise up again and prove they are stronger then one thinks.

Daytime TV isn't about the crazy plot lines or the he said she said, it's about the being able to connect to the characters, to the storylines. To enjoy something so forbidden when you can't do it yourself. To feel the rush of an affair, that you know you would never do yourself. It's a way to step outside of your comfort zone and enjoy something no thinking, no one to tell you you can't. Just to do something out of the ordinary and not have to worry about what other people think. A way to send messages to parents and teens and people. Show them right and wrong. Teach them when things look a certain way that there isn't just one way out. That there is hope and you can find a way to prevail. And all while they entertain the viewers.

And to me it seems as if the daytime Emmy's go. The next thing that will go will be the soaps. I mean we've already lost two the matter of the year (Even though the second doesn't go off the air till September), but if it seems if we can't have one night, one night to celebrate and honor the hard working actors and actresses, not to mention the people behind the scenes. Then it's almost saying like no one really cares about these shows, why even bother? I mean Primetime Emmys they will go all out for all the Primetime shows. Movies, They'll go all out for those two. Not to mention the other award shows, like Teen Choice awards, Peoples Choice Awards, MTV Music and Movies awards. All those other awards shows, that honor Music, Movies and TV shows. They go all out for these things. But Daytime Emmys? They wren't even sure a station was going to even air them.

And I'm sure if a station didn't pick it up, they'd still have the Emmys, but were is the excitement in that? You wait till the posted on a website, or the actors tweets about it.. or even wait till they are posted in the Soap magazine a week after the fact. To me it doesn't seem like it has the same thrill, as if you were watching it live. Getting to see your favorite star win that Emmy. Plus unless your there yourself you miss out on the speeches, the moments that make you go WTF? And the moments that make you remember why you watch in the first place. It's the moment you remember the most, that will be taken away from the fans.

This year? Now after the great debate of who would air the Emmys, we have will there be a Red Carpet show? And very sad to know the only Red Carpet show this year will be brought to you by the interview. If their was Primetime or a Movie awards ceremony you could bet there would be a Red Carpet show on the TV before hand. Is it really that hard to air a Red Carpet show before the Emmys? Show the Stars as the are on their way to enter the place of the awards. And having people talking about the Emmys and who the actors think will take home the Emmy? And not to mention when you actually get to see the stars and what the are wearing. Because unless they are presenting, hosting or winning you don't get to see them much at all. Let along what they are wearing. And all the stars dressed up and part of the Emmy night.

It just doesn't seem right that the Daytime Emmys are being treated so poorly. These actors work hard to put on a show for five days out of the week. And week Just about ever week day, but yet one night that is all about them, seems to be worked out as if it's nothing that important. It's important to the actors and people behind the scenes... and to the fans.


More Power To Him???

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lulu I love you I do, but did you really tell Olivia that it's none of your business and if it gets on Sonny's nerves more power to him? Has your hate for Sonny really clouded your judgment that much? I mean back when your found out Dante was a cop you tried to WARN Johnny to be careful around Dante. And that was before you said I love you to Dante. I guess hating Sonny and loving Dante has really made you not look at the bigger picture. Not to mention when she was with Johnny she use to try and convince him out of a lot of things. So why is this time different? Why because she's in love with Dante and hates Sonny? ... I mean Maxie is her friend and trying to talk her out of all types of crazy things she does.... But I guess it's different because they are best friends.... where as Johnny is her ex. So because she once dated him they can't be friends and over each other advice?

Not to mention Lulu you know what Sonny is capable of. He tried to Kill Johnny to get Anthony to come out into the open, during the Black and White Ball. He locked Johnny up when he though Claudia and Johnny had something to do with Micheal vanishing. He tried to kill Johnny on the Pier, well at least pointed a gun at him. He called Claudia out in front of everyone in Port Charles on her birthday no less. Shot Dante a point blank range. Not to mention you know he's a killer. Yet by all means say more power to him if he gets under Sonny's skin.

Lulu you know this isn't going to end well at all. And I guess the fact you care for Johnny means nothing to you anymore, if you aren't willing to a least talk to him, or maybe ask him what is going on. Because I am sure when Johnny gets hurt or someone else because of this whole thing you are going to kick yourself. If not Then I'll kick you ass, because you could have at least tried to say something to him.

It just annoys me to no end because it feels like they are trying to push away the Jolu love. I mean sure Johnny might try and tell her he's not going to stop. Or maybe he'd tell her the truth, either way their e showing the connection that Johnny and Lulu have. It's almost like they aren't even friends anymore. Like they need to avoid each other. What is up with that? It's been a year, she forgave Maxie for all that happened, she tried to convince Johnny to watch his back around Dante, and have actually had conversations that didn't end in evil death stares. Not to mention celebrated Johnny's testimony together at Jakes. They should be able to get together and talk ever once and away. And Lulu should be able to say I'll talk to him. Because if she says she still cares about what happens to him, which she did, she told Dante she still cares what happens to him, why id she saying this isn't her place?

I'm sure on many levels it isn't her place, but if you know possible out comes for this, why can't she at least try? Why because she's too busy praising Dante for being the hero of the day? The one that does everything right... And hating on Sonny who does everything wrong. Okay we get it Sonny Mobster BAD... Dante cop GOOD. So why did the Mob run the town for 4 years before Dante showed up? And why now is it all of the sudden COP are the GOOD guys... or rather DANTE'S the damn hero and yet Lucky and mac who have been cops in Port Charles are low level scum? because if I remember correctly Lucky was trying to help Dante get Michael of Pentonville. But I guess it means nothing. I mean after all Lucky not really the cop type anyways... Why give him any credit for anything.

You know I love Certain couples and characters on GH I do, but sometime hey drive me up a wall. And I could get all sorts of crap for certain things... but I don't care because no one if perfect on the show. Not a couple or a character. They all suck at one point in time. Sometimes some more so then other, but they do I swear. Just needed to let that out.


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