Do I Even Need To Say?

Monday, February 15, 2010

"I told you she needed help. Don't you think she suffered enough?"

Where the fuck does Nikolas get off making this Lucky's fault? Making it about Lucky making Elizabeth suffer because they had the affair. Hello Nikolas you slept with your brothers, like me make this clear for you, FIANCE. Mean she was going to marry your brother. So how come Lucky doesn't have a right to stay mad at her? Why does Lucky have to go and pick up the pieces of the mess you and Elizabeth Made? Sure I love Liz and Lucky and want them to be happy and together, but doesn't mean I want a quick fix for them.

Even Rebecca said it for Elizabeth. She made her bed and now she has to lay in it. So that doesn't give you the right to tell Lucky Elizabeth's in trouble and expect Lucky to jump up and help her, when Elizabeth won't let you help her. Oh boo whoo cry us a freakin river. No one gives a damn about you, because you only care about yourself and everyone knows it. You can say you care and all this shit. But I mean come on you were willing to die to be with your died fiance then stay with your son. You went after a women who looked like your dead fiance and kicked your current girlfriend to the curb, And if you gave a damn about your brother like you said you did, you won't have falling in love with his Girlfriend/fiance or slept with her. You would have said I care about my brother to much to let this go any farther. But no you need to feed your happiness and screw over the brother you claim to love of so much.

Well Guess what Nikolas you suck. And you will always suck. So take your sucky ass and go do something else then stalk your brothers fiance in hopes she'll love you back, because she never will. Yeah she said it to you, but She'll never love you like she loves Lucky. Because you suck. And you can declare your love all you want to her and the world, but it's not going to mean a damn thing, because She's never going to want you again. That is why she has told you to take a hike.

There is so much I could say but I'll wait till more airs and I'm so distracted I keep losing my train of thought, but will have plenty to say when more airs this week.


What The Fudge Were They Thinking? (Spoilers)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

If anyone has read the Spoilers you know now Elizabeth is pregnant. They decided to write Rebecca's Pregnancy into the show. And I am not on to complain about it. I could go with it either way. If they chose to Write it in or not.

It's just the way they are doing it is beyond... it's just wrong. I don't know the whole story and want the new SID now, but have to wait till this weekend. The titled is WHO'S THE DADDY? (Read kind of edited version)

1) Elizabeth and Lucky haven't slept together since November. And it was a big deal the next day. But Elizabeth has found plenty of time to go and sleep with Nikolas all over the place. So WTD doesn't make a lick of sense. Unless they have Liz and Lucky hook up in the next week, but Lucky can't even stand 5 minutes on the pier with her, why would he want to sleep with her? Now sure it could be said they were getting it on off screen. That would mean actually acknowledging the fact that Liz and Lucky have a nice sex life. Yet after they slept together for the first time since the Jason and Sam break ups, it was a big deal. Lucky even told Nikolas about it, who was a jackass because he wanted to be the one in Elizabeth pants. Opps did I say that one out loud? Shame on me.

2) What is with Elizabeth having kids with Mean she isn't married to? Why can't she be married to a guy and have their kid? Why must she be such a ho bag? (I love Elizabeth, but come on even I don't paint her as a saint) She was married to Ric while pregnant with Zander's kid. Married to Lucky while pregnant with Jason's kid (which I refuse to believe. I still believe Jake is Lucky's) And now she's engaged to Lucky or was and Sleeping with Nikolas. Does this mean a Niz baby? Because LnL2 have so much more history and all they got was break up make ups and a wedding, well like 5 and only two that actually got married. But Liason got a Kid. Ziz got a Kid.. why must Niz get a kid before LnL2? Why must you crush Laura's dream of the perfect LnL2 family with a Son? I guess that would be like asking why GH isn't a hospital drama anymore? To complicated to explain. or you just end up in circles trying to get an explanation. Your head will just end up hurting.

3) Helena wants and heir? Hello Helena you have Spencer. (Tainted with Courtney's blood, that makes me laugh).... Helena honey you have a kid Nikolas is ignoring you can kidnap and raise him to be what ever you want him to be. You don't Need Nikolas to create a new one just so he can claim to love it, fight for it and then ignore it. But then at least Spencer won't be so lonely. So Spencer would win out in all that. But honestly back in 2006 didn't we have this big storyline where Helena kidnapped Spencer after crazy nanny Carrie, I mean Collen kidnapped Spencer. And didn't Helena try and get Spencer to be the true Spencer heir. And now what he's too good for you Helena. Finally take another storyline from me. to hurt the Spencer's, ie Lucky, but having Nikolas and Liz have the Cassadine heir. That was my idea Helena. Stick with Spencer at least he'd get attention and can come back and hate Nikolas. Which I still want to see.

4) The LnL2 quick fix. I am sorry but LnL2 never end well when they get their quick fix. I love them I do, but I know if you put them back together to soon they will never work out. I mean look at what happened with the Maxie and Drugs? They gave them a quick fix and didn't let them find their way back as friends or co-parents and then ended up in a bigger mess. And after a while LnL2 finally were happen to find their way back as friends and not hate each other. And which lead to their reunion in May 2009. Only for it to be killed again but something so freakin stupid. I mean, No I got nothing. Now reading the article there is the LnL2 quick fix and all because of a baby again. I only hope the quick fix is only what I want I see and show different on screen. If that confused you, I mean I hope what I am reading plays different on screen so that isn't not really a LnL2 quick fix and it's a road to recovery. Because I would actually like to see them find their way back together in a nice manner, that isn't quick and over a baby or one of the kids, but because they want to be together again.

5) Totally unrelated to Elizabeth, Lucky, Nikolas and the baby spon. I am so getting sick of how the show called General Hospital, can't seem to get certain medical things right. First with the kid on the stretcher. And now with Dante on Monday. I can understand getting to the wound and all but to completely take off his shirt and then take him out into the winter cold of New York without anything cover his upper body is crazy. First of all, I know it's not a long way, but it's cold out side and your taking off his shirt. Hello that's asking for hypothermia. he already has a gun shot, let freeze him as well. And the gun shoot wound? How did it mange to go from bleeding endlessly to completely stopping, beside maybe a little as if you stuck a band aid on a paper cut? Why didn't they have a paramedic applying pressure to the wound to stop id from bleeding and Dante from bleeding to death? because honest;y that would have happened if the bleeding was as back as Olivia was making it out to be and it was a gun shot to the chest. Yet is seemed as if no big deal.

Also I highly doubt a paramedic would leave a needle and a bottle of something they use (not sure what it was really), on the ground at the crime seen so anyone could just find it. I'm pretty sure they'd take it back with them. Since it's a use needle and the bottle is medical equipment, that I am sure wasn't empty and needed to come back. But nope lets leave it for dramatic effect. Forget it's called General Hospital, it's all about Drama. Give me a Break it just goes to show you, you care more about making the show into a Daytime Sopranos then keeping it's roots. Why actually do anything right in the hospital when you can make it up along the way?


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