Welcome To General Hospital Blog It

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Because a board Rant Room isn’t enough. I have decided to kill two birds with one stone so to speak. The first bird is needing to rant about certain thins on GH and how it all goes wrong. The other Bird is word Press. This will be my way of getting to know how Wordpress works and to understand it a bit more. So I invite you all to read it, comment it. Agree, disagree, but don’t bash it. And most importantly don’t start fighting with me one something because you feel I’m wrong or being Bias. I have my couples I like, but I try and stay as neutral as I can. But I have certain this I can not stand on the show and I will not sugar coat it for the fans. Sorry. So read and enjoy. And I might have gush posts about certain things I enjoy from the show. But thought wise just a way to get what I think and feel about the show out.


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