So decided to put together a little list of things that you should know when getting invested into a Daytime Soap Opera. Lets just called it a 5 step guide in a way to watching Soap Operas. Maybe not everything you need to know is in these fives thing, but everything you need to know to stay sane while watching is. It's your guide to not go crazy.
1) Never and I mean NEVER is a good thing when your favorite couple has become an air hog. Because even if they are happy, if they stay on screen for a long time or become an air hog, trust me it means something is coming and most of the time it's never good. A Soap Opera plus happy couple means no air time. So believe me when i say if your not happy about no airtime you're going to be even more unhappy with MORE airtime. It's not possible to have a happy couple, because in the end to much happiness ends up getting BORING and people will stop turning in, so that is why they throw something in the mix. That and to cause Drama, since it is called a DAYTIME DRAMA. Someone gets hurt, dies, or gets involved in an affair, lies, cheats. You name it and it will happen. in the end MORE AIRTIME = THE END.
2) You always, ALWAYS want your least favorite or most hated Couple to have all the airtime. Let them be the air hogs, because the sooner they get the airtime, the sooner something bad happens and it ends it all. Like I said in the first one, MORE AIRTIME = THE END. So if you can sit through letting them have all the airtime then in then you'll get what you want and they'll be over and on to a new couple or back to the couple you love. Most times it's on to a new couple, but sometimes they'll back track and pair up old lovers again. But trust me suffer through the horrible couple and in the end ..... MORE AIRTIME = THE END
3) Grand kids. Yeah if a Parents kids have kid, that said parents will vanish. Don't know if it's like a rule or strange coincidence, but when someone becomes a grandparent on a soap, they start fade into the backdrop, till they are either forgotten or shown like every blue moon. Though I think Erika Kane is the only exception to the rule. (But could be wrong). Have Noticed that once there is a grand kid then they will fade away... I mean looked at General Hospital Bobbie, or Mike... both seem to found their way into the background... just like Audrey. (Though now the actress is retired), before she had seem to find her way into the background too, when Cameron can into the picture if not before and those are just the ones I can think of right now. But I'm sure if you really think about it and look at the different families you'll see it too.
4) On Screen Death. If there is one thing I have learned is that a Death that isn't on screen is easier to rewrite then a death on screen (unless of course it's a death that can't be unchanged, like the actor who plays the character passes away and they chose to respectfully have that character pass away. Or dies of something you can change, like Cancer, aids...) Going back. If a Death isn't written on screen, then you can't really say how the person die, then how they are found. Or not found, in some cases. If the body isn't found, then you know that some day that person has a chance to come back. As for example from 2009/2010 All My Children's Greenlee. Her body was never found (from what I remember), it was said to be found, but her ex/current husband at the time (can't remember which, lol) was the one to prove the body that was found wasn't hers. And she later returned to the show, said to have almost died. Yet now she's alive and well and making trouble in Pine Valley again. If you can't say how someone died, just how they are found.... then you can come up with a way to bring them back. In a way you can see it as if they aren't killed on screen then maybe they aren't dead after all. Things might not be what they seem?
5) Never, NEVER EVER complain to the powers that be about the other one. Because believe me it will never work. It will only give them reason to continue writing the storyline. Because hate for a storyline and complaining about it on the comment lines it will make them make the storyline last longer. Hints for Comments lines, only talk about your couple. Don't mention anything that is against them So like another women, or another man. It won't do you any good. You'll just have to continue to watch this Horrid storyline and suffer through it and it will drive you insane. So when they say Positivity can get you everywhere, It's true here. Talk positive about your favorite couple, and it could do some good. But negativity for the storyline or certain character will do you nothing.
Now you might agree or disagree with what I say are the five things you need to know when watching a soap. But trust me at least two of the five are ones that I know can be agreed upon. It could either help you enjoy the soaps, or drive you completely mad. But I say make sure you keep these things in mind. Because one day they might be useful.