Pot Meet Kettle

Monday, March 29, 2010

It took me a bit but finally figured out similarities in this whole Storyline/trail. And what I found one been there done that.

Let us flash back to 2008 August/September, There was a trail going on, one of and innocent man trying to be sent to death by Mr. Scott Baldwin. (I miss him). Now this innocent man of course wasn't that innocent because he took covered up a murder that was accidental/self defense, that someone he loved and cared about did. But he took the blame because he didn't want the other person to get hurt or have to deal with all he was dealing with. But three simple words could have cleared this whole thing up. That innocent man, well his name was Johnny Zacchara.

Flash forward to 2010, oh look Sonny is on trail for the murder of Claudia Zacchara. A crime he did not commit. A crime that Micheal his son and someone he loved and cared for had commited. But him and everyone involved covered it up. Now Sonny is on trail, while Johnny is trying to make sure he goes to jail. Even though he knows full well that Micheal killed Claudia. And again those three simple words can be said, yet again no one will let Micheal say them. Just like no one let Lulu say them.

Funny how the same storyline repeats it self. But the thing that gets me is that Johnny knows what Sonny is kind of going through right now (minus the Kristina storyline). But Claudia was almost killed during Johnny's trial and Sonny and Micheal saved her. But Johnny knows what's it like to be on trail for a murder you didn't commit. Having a prosecutor that wants you to go to jail and will do anything to make it happen. To not wanting to see the person who really did it be on the stand because they'd blurt it out they killed so and so, and fearing how this could all impact them.

I think what gets me the most about this is that Johnny wants to see Sonny in Jail, why? because of the way he treated Claudia? And using her murder as a way to do it? When again he knows full well that Sonny didn't do it. Johnny that isn't going to bring Claudia back. Nor will it do any good. You are just barking up the wrong tree... digging yourself into a hole. It be better if you just took out the organization. After all half of is technically yours. So turn the men against Sonny and take him out. Because putting him behind bar will not do any good. And plus the show will be over once Sonny's in jail. Half all Jason's been had of the business twice. One got his fiance shot in the back and two got his son kidnapped. With Sonny gone might give him a reason to break free.

I just don't under stand Johnny and his need to send Sonny to Jail for a Crime he didn't even commit and Johnny knows that. Just doesn't make sense to me.


Gansta Hospital

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Once again General Hospital has proven to why the Hospital is no longer and actual part of the show. Now the storylines going on, Kristina and her storyline, The Dante arresting his own father, Elizabeth second WTD baby drama and Johnny's need to take out Sonny are all very good. And General Hospital wanted to come back swinging and they truly have. The storylines since Sept 09 have been really good. But not to take away from my point....

There is still no focus at the hospital. I swear It's almost like what do they do while at the hospital is one of Cast members characters aren't hurt. I know it's mostly been Patrick and Lisa who have done surgery after surgery.... While Steve (Steven) shows up and has his own work. And Robin, such a great character with so much history behind her, I almost feel as if she is just around right now to make Sonny out to be Man Of the Year. Now don't get me wrong I love Robin and I have a love hate relationship with Sonny, but I adore the Robin and Sonny friendship. I just kind of feel they are using the friendship to prop up Sonny a bit and that annoys the crap out of me. Just might be me, but I rather see the Robin/Sonny friendship be used in a good manner. Maybe it will soon and I am just seeing this, because every time Sonny is brought up she goes on about how good of a person he is and can be. But then again I didn't watch when Robin and Stone first started out and Robin and Sonny became friends. I just know some of the history. So this could be me seeing it as someone who hasn't watched the show for 10 years or longer. So again how I see it, I just hope I'm seeing it wrong.

And Patrick? His sudden hatred for Sonny? WTF? It's like He's saying he knows what sonny capable and saw it first hand when he shot his own son, and unarmed cop/man point blank in the chest. Patrick shall we go over the last I don't know 5 years you been in Patrick Charles. I believe he threaded your life if Jason died. He pointed a guy at a man in the operating room while you were operating on Jason Morgan, his hitman. He also asked you to kill a man on the operating table. I also believe he threaded you about Emily. I mean also violence follows him around... His ex-fiance was shot at her wedding because of Him. His son was shot while he was at a coffee warehouse with him. And not to mention his wife goes missing, who he ripped into in front of like the whole town. No that didn't change your mind at all. So many things annoy me with you Patrick. So many things.

Now going back to the Hospital?..... Since when can a Hospital be run by four doctors and a nurse? I mean because the fifth doctor is never shown and the second nurse was put on suspension and check herself into shadybrooke. So it's like who is helping out Robin, Patrick, Lisa and Steve? I love Epiphany, but the women can't be in five places at once? And then there is Matt? By now you'd see him and be like I didn't know he was still on the show? I have seen more airtime from some of the Recurring character then him. And he's on contract. The most airtime he gets now is in the opening credits. I remember when that was Lucky's job. He's gotten two big storyline since he started almost two years ago and yet He ended up not being the center of them in like the second week. I mean come on there is so much you can do with him. I mean for reals he had a past before he came to Port Charles, maybe there was a girl he knew. Maybe the Patient he told Maxie about was someone he cared about. With Brooklynn coming back, maybe they had a past of some sort. He's just in the background right now collecting dust and I know a whole lot of other fans plus myself want to see him on Screen. For more then 25 second every blue moon. because then we ask you, why'd you hire him? If you aren't even going to use him?

So this goes more to proven why the Mob and Violence as taken over General Hospital, big time. (WARNING: contains Spoilers/Supmors/Ruomrs)

So i read a rumor of what was going to happen to Keifer, and now it's looking more like it's going to come true. And honestly I thought there was going to be this great message to Women, Men and Teens as well as Parents about Teen Dating Abuse. And be this really great storyline. And while the Actors in the storyline are doing an amazing job, The show could have taken a different rout then the way I see being hinted at. because things I am seeing are that Kiefer is going to get punished, but he's going to be in a hit and run and someone is going to cover it up. Hello been there done that. Courtney hit Elizabeth, Jason covered it up. Elizabeth, I mean Monica hit Sam with her car, Elizabeth thought it was her. Monica covered it up. And then their have been car accidents. If I remember reading correctly, Gia had one while Liz was in the car is Nikolas (or someone) covered it up. Kristina caused a car crash and covered it up, as did her mother. And let Micheal take the blame and her mother took the blame as well. And that was just last year. Why do another one not even a year after the one Kristina caused? And then there is Sonny wanting to kill people. I get you don't like the law Sonny, but sooner or later the law will catch up to you and you won't be able to get yourself out of this one at all. So why can't Kiefer just be tried and convected of the crime he commented? Why can't you do something like that?

I'm hoping that to keep this good message going that That you should respect yourself, not let anyone push you around or put you down, or hurt you at all, continue with message that speaking up can lead to the person being stopped and actually letting the law punish them.

because this constant getting away with murder is getting old. I know it's not real life, but come on how long can someone get away with murder?


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